I wrote this post because I wanted to clear the air about what “I” mean when I use the term, “Fruitful Vine Woman’. So, here’s a little more about me and some questions answered:
A lot of people wonder what I mean, or simply assume what I mean, when I call myself the FV (Fruitful Vine) Woman. Some people wonder if I’m trying to be like Michelle Duggar or subscribe to the Quiverfull Christian movement, I’m not. I do, although, LOVE the Duggars and I do believe strongly that children, no matter how many, are a direct blessing from the Lord. I also believe the subject of child-bearing and the question of how many children there should be within a family is between that family and the Lord. I am saddened when I see negativity regarding this subject within the Body of Christ- on either side of opinion. When people sincerely ask me where I stand on the issue, I unapologetically answer that each couple must seek out scripture and the Lord for the size of their families.
I have no idea why this offends so many people. We all (born-again believers) agree that we should acknowledge the Lord in all our ways so that He can direct our path, right? That’s truly where I stand on any subject in my Christian walk, I have no hidden agenda to make anyone like me, no plans to start a movement- except one where we all strive to be fruitful in HIM! When we were starting our own family, my husband and I simply prayed, looked into scripture and surrendered, the best we knew how, every area of our life to Him. The result, so far, has been a homeschooling lifestyle, two cross-country moves and six kiddos in tow. None of this, however, is why I chose to call my blog Fruitful Vine Woman, though, I certainly can see how it is a part of the title and I am not trying to ‘have as many children as possible’, we truly are just seeking to be obedient to the Lord in everything we do. Fruitfulness, from what I can tell in scripture, is so much more than
None of this, however, is why I chose to call my blog Fruitful Vine Woman, but I can certainly can see how it is a part of the title and although I am not trying to ‘have as many children as possible’, and we truly are just seeking to be obedient to the Lord in everything we do, more children are always welcome if that is the Lord’s will for us. Fruitfulness, from what I can tell in scripture, however, is SO much more than just the amount of children we have.
Truth be told, I believe fruitfulness should be evident in every area of a Christian’s life.
I see a fruitful Woman of God as someone I have desperately wanted to be my entire walk with Christ. You see, I didn’t give my heart to Him until I was 20, and a single mom to boot! In my short 20 years on planet earth, I had managed to wreck, if not completely destroy almost every area in my young life. I was on a path that I’m pretty confident would have landed me in jail, rehab or even death. I was a branch about to be thrown into the fire to be consumed when Jesus arrived on the scene and literally rescued me and my small son from a life of bad choices and even worse influences. I had no idea that I could even be ‘clean’, let alone fruitful. I heard a message prior to giving my heart to the Lord that spoke of how God’s people were Royal, a title that I was convinced could not be given to me: a wild, unclean, unwanted, young mom-out-of-wedlock with an astounding lifetime of sin already behind her. I listened intently as the preacher spoke of a life that I could only dream about: one filled with hope, love, acceptance and true success.
As I began to get to know my Lord and walk with Him, He placed an unquenchable desire in me to seek out His Blessing, His Fruitfulness:
I wanted to be everything the world had always told me I couldn’t be: worthy of love, clean, holy, beautiful in the best way, good, kind, lovely, successful, a biblical helpmeet, godly mother, good friend, anointed and so much more… FRUITFUL in every way. When I think of the woman who ‘has it all’ in Christ, I see her as being fruitful, like the wife of the righteous man in Psalm 128:3, who is a fruitful vine around her home, like the Proverbs 31 woman, whose fruit brings her praise when it is all said and done. She is successful at her tasks, in her relationships, and most of all, she bears the fruit of the Spirit in her life, her speech, her ways. She shines as the keeper of her home, and ministry is interwoven throughout her daily life. That’s what I would like my life to look like before the Father, myself and the people in this life. She’s not perfect, vines never are as they need constant tending and nurturing and even pruning from time to time… but she does bear fruit. It has been quite a mountain to climb, and I am still on my journey of cultivating and overcoming with Him and by Him. It hasn’t been easy. I’ve had to unlearn just as much as I’ve had to learn when it comes to my walk in Christ. My life before Him came with a lot of baggage, junk and wrong ways of thinking, not to mention a whole other identity! A fruitful vine woman is made throughout a lifetime, there is no way to rush it. A fruitful vine woman is the result of consistent, righteous decision making, she is not a check list. When it is all said and done though, a life lived in Him bears beautiful fruit.
She’s not perfect, vines never are as they need constant tending and nurturing and even pruning from time to time… but she does bear fruit.
It has been quite a mountain to climb, and I am still on my journey of cultivating and overcoming with Him and by Him. It hasn’t been easy. I’ve had to unlearn just as much as I’ve had to learn when it comes to my walk in Christ. My life before Him came with a lot of baggage, junk and wrong ways of thinking, not to mention a whole other identity! A “fruitful vine woman” is made throughout a lifetime, there is no way to rush it. A fruitful vine woman is the result of daily, consistent, righteous decision making and correction, she is not a checklist. When it is all said and done though, a life lived in Him bears beautiful fruit.
And that is why this ministry is called Fruitful Vine Woman. It’s pursuing a lifestyle in God to become a biblical, fruitful woman in a modern world.
Dear one, if you find yourself wanting those things too, you’re not alone and it isn’t unattainable. You’re not unworthy and disqualified to have a good life in Christ just because you made poor decisions in the past. I’m telling you: one thing my God does best is to change the course of your life in an INSTANT and your path can be completely different from that moment on. You ARE worthy to be loved, and you ARE indeed LOVED. You can bear fruit in every way and you can be blessed– just like you see others being blessed. God is no respecter of persons, He doesn’t play favorites and He delights in you! The “Fruitful Vine Woman” has been my inspiration through the years, she’s been my vision, my mantra, my prayer, my focus, my goal, my heart and now, she is becoming my ministry because, just like me, I meet women everywhere who don’t feel good enough to be blessed by the God they love. Who don’t feel perfect enough or skilled enough to be the woman He is calling from His Word for them to be. I’ve met some of you, who were even afraid to look another woman in the eye because you didn’t feel worthy enough. Still others won’t come near women’s ministry groups for fear of being rejected yet again by the women who are supposed to be their sisters. Women in bondage over not being able to do “ENOUGH”. My hope and prayer is that in sharing what my Jesus has done for me and sharing all He has taught me, you will be inspired for what He can do for you. I want the pages of this blog to be your oasis from the craziness, guilt, shame and to be healing balm and guidance. I want you to feel like you are sitting down with mama and a cup of tea, or a close friend and cup of coffee. Chocolate is there too, don’t worry. Come join me in the pages of this blog for friendship and refreshing.
Completely His & Pursuing the Fruitful Life, Nicci
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