I cannot tell you how many people I have met who tell me that they are still using crocheted dishcloths from their grandmother/mom/dear family member from X-amount of years ago. They are beautiful, strong, and functional.
They also make appreciated gifts, especially when they are made to coordinate with the recipient’s kitchen decor.
I have had some pretty cotton yarn in my own kitchen’s colors now for about a year just begging to be made into some dishcloths, and since the cold weather is keeping me inside these days, I decided to get crocheting!
These particular cloths are so simple to make, just one stitch row after row after row! Crochet is quite therapeutic for me, so added bonus!
I begin with a single chain of about 30- these will be large dishcloths that are perfect for wiping down counters or for large pans. I don’t recommend using these for heavy duty cleaning, they are best suited for lighter jobs.
Once you have your chain of 30, chain one more, turn, then chain into the previous row’s chain, working single crochets and turning for each row. That’s it! I changed my color about three rows in for two rows to create a cute little ‘stripe’. I crochet about 30 rows in between the “stripes” and then end with three more rows of the original starting color to balance the look.
As you can see, alternating the colors creates a really nice ‘set’.
It doesn’t take much as homemakers to create little touches of beauty throughout our home. Do what makes you smile. Handmade items make me smile, that’s why there’s so many of those types of things in my home, but it could just as easily be a store-bought item. The point is to make your surroundings worth being in. Your family will appreciate the effort too, even if they don’t always say it. I still remember the doilies and embroidered items in my grandmother’s home and the strong scent of ivory soap- it didn’t matter much to me when I was little, but now it fills my heart with warm nostalgia when I see or make those things or open up a fresh bar of ivory soap in our home. Memories like that are precious for us and for our families.
Bet you didn’t think crocheted dishcloths could mean so much, eh? 🙂
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