Personal Wrap Up Thoughts on Uninvited by Lysa Terkeurst
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Whew! Uninvited by Lysa Terkeurst goes straight to the root of feeling rejected, lonely, left out and less than! I’ve been so blessed to be following along with Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Studies these past 6 weeks!
As we have gone through Lysa’s book, I have been seriously enlightened about my own rejection issues, educated about how others respond out of their own hurts, and most importantly, God’s heart for all of us who have experienced the pain of rejection- freedom in His Love.
I’ll be honest- this was an easy book to read, but a tough book for me to go through. Rejection has been a theme with me since as far back as I can remember. When I’ve tried to “fix” my hurts from the past, I’ve only layered on more hurt. Uninvited help me to sift through a huge portion of the mess, one layer at a time. I am sure I will be returning to this book often for future counsel and I continue on in healing, but Uninvited has brought more progress to my journey than many years of self-effort.
The words, “Live Loved.” now ring in my ears daily. Lysa guides us through the root causes of our feelings of rejection with candid honesty and relate-able reference , yet with so much grace woven throughout every chapter.
Some of my most tender spots were touched by allowing myself to go through the process behind this book. And she even helps us to self-assess ourselves in light of the Word all the way through the end. This is not a book for just the victim, but for the overcomer, and I’m grateful for this, because it pulls me out of a victim mentality and inspires me to grow and keep moving forward without fear of future rejection.
I highly recommend this study for anyone who has struggled with rejection and relationships, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. It will give you the tools you need to face rejection head on, avoid relationship issues that rejection causes and learn to live in the light of (& extend!) God’s love and grace.
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Love it!
Thank you for your comment Deborah! Uninvited is a truly fruitful study! 🙂