We all know it and we’ve all experienced a time (or more!) when our words negatively impacted someone we love. Nothing affects our husbands more than the words we speak to them. Our words ring in their ears day and night and those words are always producing something. Speaking life to your husband through intentional words is a tangible way you can build him up and encourage him on a daily basis.
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Through the years, as I have prayed for my husband, the Lord has shown me areas to build my husband up in. One example that stands out most in my mind is when the trade industry was being affected by the plunging economy and my husband was having trouble finding good work. He was so discouraged! As the major provider in our home (Besides God!), he felt the harsh reality that he had a family to care for that truly depended on him.
It’s a crushing weight on our men’s shoulders and I could see it taking its toll on mine. By speaking life to your husband with intentional words, you help to shape their mindset, remind them of their identity in Christ and shower them with the hope of the Word of God. You give them strength with your encouragement!
Speaking Life to Your Husband Through Intentional Words…
As I prayed, the Lord showed me to begin speaking life over my husband with intentional words on a daily basis. The Lord showed me different scriptures to pray for and speak over him as he left for work, or in search of work, each morning.
Scriptures like, “You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.“ (Deuteronomy 28:6) and “…in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.“ (Romans 8:37) I must have spoken those scriptures over him hundreds of times those days as he walked out the front door.
“Have a blessed day honey, remember: you are more than a conqueror through Him who loves you!”
I got up early to make his breakfast for him every morning and to listen to him if he needed to speak. If he was discouraged I would give an encouraging hug and I’d remind him that “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psalm 27:1)
I would tell him how proud I was of him and how honored I was to be his wife- and I meant it. He went out every day and worked hard for our family to make ends meet, and I truly admired him for that.
I also made sure that I prayed for my husband every day. When he was confused, angry, hurting, and cast down, the Lord anointed me to speak life over him. After a good job came in, and we were doing well again, my husband surprised me with a precious moment.
He thanked me for all I did for him.
He confessed to me that there were days he didn’t think he’d make it through and he said it was my encouraging words that kept him going.
Wow. Glory to God!
I realized then just how powerful my words were in his life and how important my obedience to the Lord was.
What had I been doing that made so big a difference in his life?
I was already praying. Ladies, we have such an opportunity when we pray and seek the Lord for our families. As I prayed, the Lord showed me what my husband needed. I could have taken a shot at understanding my husband’s needs all by myself, but by praying, the Lord showed me the true need and how I could best help my husband during that season.
My words were intentional and they produced life.
I’ve never regretted speaking life to someone, but I’ve always regretted speaking negatively to them. My husband needed to know that God was with him, that his wife had confidence in him and that all things were working for his good. I began compiling a list of scriptures and prayers from a book I owned (aff. link) to pray and speak over my husband daily.
The truth is, no one else was speaking like that to him. My husband worked in the world, surrounded by a secular atmosphere. He once told me that he felt like he needed to take a shower every day after work just to wash the world off.
The last thing he needed was negativity or panic from me. He needed faith and encouragement and life being spoken to him, he needed HOPE! There is power in our words and when they line up with what God’s Word says. Wow! They produce SO MUCH fruit!
I was consistent when speaking life to my husband
My words were consistent. Every day. I remember worrying that I probably sounded like a broken record to everyone. I didn’t just speak those words to him every day, I also spoke it to others.
If anyone asked me how my husband was doing, I answered that he was “a mighty man of God and that he was overcoming great obstacles”. I spoke highly of him, always accentuating the positive. Though I didn’t know it then, God was training me too!
I chose obedience and for the long haul.
Sometimes, when God shows us something, we try it out for a while and when it doesn’t “work”, we give up. I knew that God wanted me to encourage my husband with intentional words. He wanted me to keep doing it for as long as it took to see my husband through this difficult time in his life.
There were many days when the look in my husband’s eyes told me that he didn’t believe the words I was speaking, but I knew he needed me to keep speaking and believing for him. To this day, when he leaves for work, I still say, “Have a BLESSED day!” and in my mind, I begin to pray: “He is blessed when he goes in and blessed when he goes out, his company is blessed because of his presence there.”
How do you speak life to your husband?
Speaking life to our husbands through intentional words is one of the best ways we can minister to them. I have since learned to speak life to my husband through intentional words even when the going is good. There is always a need to build our husbands up, so let’s do it by speaking life intentionally!
If you need a little help to get started, I’ve got you!
Download my free Speak Life Challenge worksheet! On it, you will write down 3 scriptures of your choice (Or you can use any of the ones I mentioned above in this post) and then you will write down a life statement that you will pray over and speak to your husband on a regular basis. Try it for one month. Then, the next month, choose 3 more scriptures that will encourage and build up your husband’s heart and spirit! Sign up below!
I love this! The Lord has given me a heart to pray over my husbands life with scriTunes too and it has greatly increased our relationship with each other and with the Lord. I absolutely love this post. You are a beautiful wife!
Thank you Carmen! It’s wonderful how something so simple can can make such a difference, isn’t it? The Lord is good! 🙂
This post is such an encouragement to me to keep doing what I am doing and to even do it more! God had given us the priviledge of being the ones who have such power to speak life into our husbands’ lives like no one else will!!!
Veronica- yes! It is a privilege for sure, praise the Lord!
Love this!!! So many times I pray FOR my husband and not OVER him. Why not let people hear the word of God and His heart?
Amen Becca!
I would like to signup for the free speak life worksheet to get started.
Hi Melissa, I’m so sorry I am just now seeing this comment! For some reason, the sign-up form is not showing and we are troubleshooting that. In the meantime, if you email me at fvwoman@gmail.com, I will send that to you straight away. I apologize for the inconvenience! –Nicci
My husband is not with me at the moment. Can I still speak life into him? How?
Hi VJ, I am not sure where your husband is- are you separated? If so, then yes, you can still declare life over your marriage and him in prayer. There is no distance in faith. If and when you get the opportunity to speak directly to him, be an encourager and speak the truth of God’s word when you can. I would also encourage you to seek the Lord’s wisdom concerning how you proceed. He will guide in what is right for your circumstance. Blessings to you!
Thank you for this. My husband and I have been married for a few months and communication hasnt been the best. I grew up in the church and my husband did not. Our lifestyles were different and merging into one has been a struggle. Yet, the one thing we’re missing is God. I am glad I stumbled onto your page through a simple Google Search of “how to speak life into my husband to be a god fearing man”. Now I’ve gotten lost in your entire site! There’s so much great content here. Thank you so much for doing God’s work. Im going to try this out and document it. You’ve made me excited to put God back into my marriage! I can’t thank you enough. 2023 is starting off great because of you. Thank you again my good sister! Ill be commenting again with an update!
Em, this comment has made my YEAR! Thank you so much! I will be praying that as you obey God’s Word and practice your faith that He will BLESS your marriage! He is so very good and wants to draw us near and show us what He can do. Bless you my sister, keep pursuing! –Nicci
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This is so helpful right now in my marriage and times I want to get mad and angry at my husband and instead of getting angry I could be thanking God for what he is doing and has done and praying for my husband. Sometimes I get beside self and want to hold grudges I’m learning to encourage my husband, so I can be a better and humble wife not so easy. But you make it easy. Thank you
Tanasha, I’m glad it was helpful! I pray God will bless your obedience to His Word and that your marriage will thrive for His Glory 🙏❤
This was an amazing read! I cant wait to share this in my home!
Thanks, I pray blessing over your marriage 💛