I can see December being a slow posting month for me. As much as I like to write, Christmas is all about family here at home. From today through the New Year, I most likely will not post any new content because, well, priorities. So here’s a little Family Update Post & Holiday Break Announcement:
Family Update Post & Holiday Break Announcement
FVWoman will now break until after the holidays. Priorities matter so much to me and while I love blogging, I love my family more. Regular posting will resume sometime in the first 2 weeks of January, I’m also working on a few site updates, and a new way to deliver posts to your inbox, so stay tuned. If you do get a random post before the New Year from me, it’s just because I got antsy and couldn’t wait to share something with you!
What We’ve Been Up To!
We’ve been enjoying late mornings, reading books, crafting and baking. I have been enjoying the low-pressure pace.
My ‘newly’ 12-year old is still a big kid at heart (thank goodness, I am NOT ready for him to grow up!), and he scours Pinterest for boy-worthy crafting. This week we have made Popsicle stick ornaments and perler bead ornaments. The boys REALLY liked these. My Lil Miss still needs lots of help with crafts, but she enjoys them too.
We’ve been baking quite a bit too. I have been trying my best to remain mostly plant-based in a house full of carnivores, but it is definitely not easy- especially during the holidays! But I find that if I keep animal products to a minimum in my diet, I really do feel better.
These beauties will be made for Christmas weekend, as always, they are a favorite that I only bake a few times a year, Christmas time being one of those times:
The kids are praying for a white Christmas–one thing we have all missed from living in the mountains is the snow! Just yesterday, we had about 9 inches in the Great Lakes state… which made for VERY happy kiddos! As a mom, I am always learning from my kiddos about fun, joy and love. God uses them in some of the most simple ways to get me to lay down my pent-up, messy adulthood and just BE. Oh how grateful I am for children!
The snow was a welcome break from ‘life’. As it fell, it almost begged us to let go and just be kids again.
Make time to catch the snowflakes on your tongue with your kids, they will remember a lot from Christmas and their childhood, but they will remember your involvement the most. We must have spent a good 15-20 minutes just letting the snow kiss our faces and trying to catch as many snowflakes as we could!
Go ahead and “hug” the snow if you feel so inclined. I watched this little guy for at least a half hour– love and joy just OOZED out of him. He ran around throwing snow into the air, laughing, shouting… it was AWESOME. When was the last time love and joy just OOZED out of you???
We’ve also been enjoying our Advent Readings every night, it’s our way of keeping Jesus in focus during this season…
On a Mission…
I’m on a mission this year to be present in the moment, to REALLY have fun and meaningful connections with my family. This means that I am listening more, observing more, slowing down more, and participating more. The times are shifting for our family- soon, one, two, three… they’ll be heading out and I don’t want to miss these days. With my teen and adult children, I am soaking up every moment I can get because it won’t be long before they are launched into this world. I find myself praying at all hours of the day: “Order their steps Lord, order their steps…and though I know they have to go, keep them close by, Lord, keep them close by…” I want to preserve as much of this as I can.
Like the smells of Christmas??? Me too! This homemade potpourri makes your house smell like an old fashioned Christmas is underway!
Have a Blessed, Joyful Christmas & Remember: Jesus really IS the reason for the season!
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