Praying the Word of God over your children can sometimes feel like an overwhelming task. When there are so many things to pray, where do you start? How do you know you’re praying what your child really needs? How can you be sure your prayers are being heard and that they are effective? Following is how I keep track of m prayers for my kiddos and how I keep myself accountable to be faithful in prayer for them:
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There’s a couple ways to begin praying the Word of God over your children:
- You can pray according to what you see. For example, if your child has an obvious issue with, say, lying. You can pray specifically about your child’s need to be honest.
- You can pray the Word over them for any area of their life.
A diligent parent will, of course, do both. But today, we’re going to focus more specifically on praying God’s Word for our children and HOW to do so.
Organize Your Prayers
For me, the easiest way to do this is to have a notebook that I record scripture and prayers in for my children. Years ago, I just had a simple notebook that I recorded prayers week by week for the children in, but now I have a notebook for each child. (6!) I keep these notebooks according to each yer now and I also have begun to include little notes, observations and thoughts for the kids that I feel will be important for them one day to read. It’s kind of like journaling, but later it will be a keepsake for them.
In each notebook, I have the child’s name and the year it is recorded on the outside cover. Inside I may have a list of scriptures that I have decided (with the leading of the Lord) that I will commit to praying for that child for the year. I record specific prayers as I feel led, I write notes of encouragement for them, sometimes exhortation or hopes and dreams that I have for them. I also try to record the times I see them maturing or times I see my prayers being answered for them.
During my prayer times, I will often take out m children’s books and use them as reference to pray for them, especially the first few pages where I pray the scriptures that I have written down for them. This usually only takes a few minutes more of my time each day, but it is so worth it knowing that I have taken the time to truly invest in my children’s life by lifting them up to the Lord. I cannot tell you how many times my worries gave way to peace because I was assured that God has heard the prayers of my mama-heart.
The Nitty-Gritty of Praying the Word of God Over Your Children
So HOW do you actually pray the word over your children??? Momma- it’s SO easy! Get out your bible and start looking for scriptures to pray for your loved ones! It’s helpful to have a topical reference, but you can also look up scripture lists online for specific things you want to pray. I make lists, then look up scriptures to go with those things. For example, if I want to pray about my children being protected by the Lord, then I look up scriptures about God’s protection and choose the ones I will commit to praying for the next year for them.
One of my favorite scriptures to pray for my children is Isaiah 54:13, which says: “All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children.”
This scripture is recorded in all of my children’s notebooks practically every year. In my prayer sessions, I simply take a look at the scripture and pray something like this:
“Father, thank You that my children are taught by You, therefore, I praise You that their peace in GREAT. Lord, I ask you to continue teaching _______ (child’s name), and bless them with the inner peace that comes from knowing You and Your Ways. Cause ______ to know that the only way to have true peace is to submit to Your teaching and let them be tender toward Your leading and Your Word. In Jesus Name, Amen”.
Now, I don’t pray that way verbatim every day, some days, I may just glance at the scripture and thank Him for hearing my prayer or for keeping my child’s peace. Some days, if I know my child needs peace, I might pray a little longer for that child and intercede on their behalf. Sometimes, if the Lord is laying a child heavily on my heart, their notebook spends a few hours with me and I’ll flip pages and pray while I am cooking, doing laundry or whatever. It’s a great tool to have on hand and I feel like I am really accomplishing what I am praying when I can be consistent with it.
Because I have the scripture written down, it is easy to remember to pray for it. If I am inspired to write a specific thought or prayer about that subject, it gets recorded in the notebook. I am always blessed when I look back at how God has led me to pray for my children and their specific needs. I appreciate the strategy that having these notebooks has provided. Strategic prayer has often been my most effective.
How do you pray for your children? Do you want to become more strategic in prayer? Fervent is one of my favorite resources for this purpose and War Room was my favorite movie about it. Below are affiliate links to check them out.
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