You can see it in their eyes- they don’t believe. You’ve given them scripture, you’ve shared testimony and you’ve given the best argument you could think of to convince them to believe what God says… but they just don’t seem to get it. What do you do when your child doesn’t believe God???
Maybe you’re frustrated. Maybe you’re feeling a bit defensive. You’re concerned that if they don’t believe now, they might not ever believe and… what does that MEAN exactly??? Where does that leave you and your child??? I have been there sister! It can leave you tossing and turning all night wondering where you went wrong as a parent and crying puddles, can’t it?
It is so HARD ‘mommy-ing’ sometimes! Whether your child has announced that they don’t believe in God at all or they just don’t believe in certain things in the bible, it can sting our hearts to the core and strike us with fear for their well-being.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. When your child doesn’t believe God…
You can choose to believe God FOR your child. You can apply your faith and begin to pray for them, trusting that God will move on their behalf.
I am convinced that if more mamas would strategically take to their knees and to speaking the Word of God over their children, we would see heart miracles like never before in our children. If we’d stop arguing, preaching, and trying to do the work in them ourselves, ahem, cough cough… we might just see God do what seems to be the impossible.
I know– it’s hard to be quiet with the wayward child. It’s SO hard to bite your tongue and not try to ‘help’ or give some much needed advice. But, when you child doesn’t believe, they need God’s intervention- not yours. At least not in the heat of the situation.
So what does it mean- to strategically take to our knees and to speak the Word of God over our loved ones?
Have you ever seen the movie War Room? (affiliate link)
SUCH a good movie!!! It’s about utilizing the power of prayer and scripture for our loved ones and coming up with a spiritual battle plan to pray in faith for God to move in our hearts.
In the movie, a young woman is mentored by an older woman to set up a prayer space in her home to specifically pray over her loved one. She searches scripture and writes out the ones she wants to begin praying for her family and after a time of staying with it, she starts to see God work in amazing ways.
We mothers need to realize that we cannot win a war without strategy.
Especially when it’s a war for the soul of our child!
I want to encourage you to begin to pray for your child, for a season. A season where you may need to simply rely on God to do the work instead of you. Your son or daughter needs to see God’s Hand in their life, and sometimes, that may require you to let go in the natural and engage more in the spiritual for their good.
Get a notebook. Or make a war room like in the movie. Gather the scriptures that address your child’s specific needs. For example: If your child doesn’t believe God, begin to ask God to cleanse them by the washing of water through the Word (Ephesians 5:26) Ask God to give them revelation of His Word, shining His Light upon them… and so forth. If your child is struggling to believe God, then it means that the enemy is trying to keep them from the Truth. Pray that God’s truth would be made greater than the enemy’s lies in their life. Learn to take authority over the enemy and command him to leave your child’s mind alone.
“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”
Psalm 16:11
Father I ask that You would make known the path of life to my child, __________, that You would fill them with JOY in Your Presence…today Lord- bring them one step closer to You. Draw them unto You. You word says that You are not willing that ANY should perish, You want them to believe even more than I do, so I am asking that Your Will would be done in __________’s life. In Jesus Name. You said that if I ask anything in Your Name that it would be given unto me, I ask this for my child, In Jesus name, Amen.
Simple, right?
Write the scriptures you find down in your notebook and write down some core prayers that you would like to consistently pray for your child.
And then do it. Every day.
And when you’re not on your knees praying, be on your feet thanking and praising God for answered prayer.
For real.
Prayer really does have the power to work like that.
No more fighting. No more fretting. No more failing.
Just pray. Really pray and trust your God.
Don’t worry about all the other things that COULD happen with your child mama… have faith for the things that SHOULD happen. Let your inner mama bear roar out in prayer…
God can and will do the rest- but you’ve got to commit. Don’t just pray for a day and faint the first time your child acts up afterwards. That’s not faith. Faith lays a hold of the Word of God and says, “I WILL have what I ask because what I ask is God’s Will.”
And for “the bad days” — let those be between you and the Lord, and maybe your spouse for moral and spiritual support. Not much good happens when we let all the negative stuff come out of our mouths to other peoples ears, in fact, it can be down right detrimental to your strategy- so stay the course and trust that God’s very capable hands can handle when your child is struggling to believe.
Got some wisdom to add??? Share your thoughts by commenting on this post to encourage moms in the same boat!
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