Welcome to the Charlotte Mason Home Education Read-Along! This year I will be reading and blogging my way through the first volume in Charlotte Mason’s Series, Home Education. I would LOVE to have a few friends along for the ride to share their input as well, so feel free to read along and comment as the series publishes!

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I am a firm believer that every homeschool mom needs to do what works best for each student in her homeschool, and though I have always admired this educational philosophy, it didn’t always work for my older boys the way I wanted it to. Of course, it may have just been that I needed to mature into this type of education because as a younger homeschool mom I was much more apt to fall into fear and pressure myself and my children beyond what was necessary. A CM education relieves so much pressure and restores delight to the weary homeschool mom- something I really needed a few years ago!
Charlotte Mason Home Education (The original home schooling series)
Starting September 9th, 2019, I am going to be blogging about sections of the Charlotte Mason Home Education volume after I have read them to share my thoughts along the way. This is part of my personal Mother Culture endeavor and I want to take my time, really soaking up as much as I can from her writings. I’m also inviting any fellow homeschool moms who would like to jump in on the conversation to read along! You can purchase the newer print version of Home Education on Amazon here
I have purposely broken down the readings into bite-sized sections in order to move slowly. While this may not be what others would choose to do, I feel this is the best way for me to absorb and saturate myself in Ms. Mason’s teaching. This brings the total of readings to 63 weeks in length, which means that it will take me roughly 1 year and 11 weeks to complete the entire volume. Of course, this will seem daunting to some, but the readings are pretty short and I believe it will make them much more enjoyable.
Each week’s readings
I will update this post each week with the current week’s corresponding post as it goes live so that by the time I am finished, this post will serve as the main catalog of posts for that volume. At this time, I have chosen not to create a Facebook group for conversations but would love comments to be reserved for here on the blog so that visitors who are interested in learning more can glean from our insights and be inspired to begin their own CM journey. If you are just beginning with Charlotte Mason and have a Year One student, you can click here to read more about how we are doing Year One in addition to our book lists from Ambleside Online, I also have a free printable available to help you in your journey!
I hope you will join me in a mother culture endeavor to enrich our homeschools with one of the wisest teachers I have ever had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with. Charlotte Mason’s teachings have withstood the test of time for a reason and those who have had even a glimpse of her approach are often left with a longing in their own hearts to see the world, and children, through her eyes. My hope is that this series and commitment to studying her volumes will yield much fruit in our homeschools and lives.
How this will go:
Starting September 9th, 2019, I will post my thoughts about what I just read from Charlotte Mason’s Home Education Volume 1ย the week before IN A SEPERATE POST to keep the readings categorized. THEN, I will update this post with links to each post in the series.
This way, conversations can remain in the individual posts in the comments section for reference to each reading. For those who jump in during a different time frame, this post will remain as the place to keep all the posts in a table of contents of sorts.

I am using the original books, if you have a newer print, please check to see the corresponding pages to make sure they line up with the readings, each graphic will have the titles of the sections so you can adjust appropriately. You can purchase the newer print version on Amazon, the pink books are now out of print, but can sometimes be found used.
Now, these are BITE-Sized readings and I am in it for the long haul because of my personal goals. If you decide to jump in and join me, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear other moms’ thoughts too!
I do ask that you keep conversations in the comments directly related to the readings on each post for organization purposes. Other than that, there are no rules for participation. ๐ If you start at a different date than me, that’s perfectly fine. Just do whatever works for you and then share when you are ready. ๐ I will try to check in a couple of times a week to reply to your comments.
My hope is that this will be a place where readers can come to find out more about Charlotte and her way of education, but also hear from moms who are learning too!
When a link goes live for the next reading, you will see an image underneath each reading to click and be taken to that week’s post!
If you have any questions, feel free to comment below. ๐ I’ll see you September 9th!
WEEK ONE Preface & Pages 1-6
WEEK TWO pages 6-12
WEEK 3 pages 13-16
WEEK 4 pages 17-18
Week 5 pages 19-20
Week 6 pages 20-36
Week 7 pages 37-41
Week 8 pages 42-44
Week 9 pages 45-47
Week 10 pages 48-50
Week 11 pages 51-55
Week 12 pages 56-61
Week 13 pages 62-64
Week 14 pages 65-68
Week 15 pages 69-71
Week 16 pages 72-77
Week 17 pages 78-79
Week 18 pages 80-84
Week 19 pages 85-87
Week 20 pages 88-91
Week 21 pages 92-95
Week 22 pages 96-97
Week 23 pages 98-99
Week 24 pages 100-104
Week 25 pages 105-106
Week 26 pages 107-110
Week 27 pages 111-118
Week 28 pages 119-123
Week 29 pages 124-131
Week 30 pages 132-134
Week 31 pages 135-136
Week 32 pages 137-148
Week 33 page 149
Week 34 page 150
Week 35 page 151-153
Week 36 page 154-158
Week 37 page 159
Week 38 pages 160-163
Week 39 pages 164- 168
Week 40 pages 169-177
Week 41 pages 178-181
Week 42 pages 182-198
Week 43 pages 199-206
Week 44 pages 207-213
Week 45 pages 214-221
Week 46 pages 222-225
Week 47 pages 226-230
Week 48 pages 231-232
Week 49 pages 233-237
Week 50 pages 238-239
Week 51 pages 240-242
Week 52 pages 243- 246
Week 53 pages 247-252
Week 54 pages 253-263
Week 55 pages 264-270
Week 56 pages 271-278
Week 57 pages 279-294
Week 58 pages 295-299
Week 59 pages 300-306
Week 60 pages 307-316
Week 61 pages 317-328
Week 62 pages 329-340
Week 63 pages 341-352
That’s a Wrap! Conclusion
Hello! How to see CM reading notes week 13 and beyond? Thanks for your summary and it has been helping me to dig deeper after I read!
Hi Claudia, This series will resume this Fall! I’m so glad it has been helping. ๐