Apart from Christ: Dead. With Christ: Alive. It is truly that simple. Sin produces death. Christ produces Life. And we, His children are made alive because of His Great Love and His Rich Mercy.
Have you ever felt “Alive”?
I remember the first time I truly felt alive and until I had experienced it for myself, I didn’t know how to relate to others who said the same. When I was set free from my sins, it was the first time in my life that I FELT free. And it was also the first time I felt truly ALIVE.
There was no shame, no fear, no hindrances of any kind- only life and possibilities and HOPE. Jesus offers us an “aliveness” that this world can never give!
“But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions–it is by grace you have been saved.”
Ephesians 2:4-5
In the original Greek language, the word for ‘made us alive with’ is :
G4806 (Strong)
Which means to: reanimate conjointly with (figuratively): – quicken together with.
Original King James versions quote the verse as “hath quickened us together with Christ”
The word ‘dead’ implies either physical or figurative death, meaning no life present whatsoever.
What I’d like to draw your attention to today is that without Christ- there is no life. But with Him…
That little word “with” packs a mighty punch in driving home the meaning of what it means to be ALIVE. I know what it is like to be dead in my sins- it a miserable existence for sure!
When you’re steeped in sin, there isn’t any hope for anything lasting, and on any given day, the consequences of your sin can rise up and overtake you. There is the fear of those consequences too.
There is no peace because sin cannot produce lasting peace. And there is no unconditional love when sin is present.
Sin stings, scars, and kills. But Jesus, the Word of God soothes, heals and produces fruit and life everlasting. His LIFE pulses through everything and everyone He touches.
God, who made us alive WITH Christ… ah!
Now there’s a solution!
A branch doesn’t bear any leaves or fruit without being connected to the tree, neither do we have a life without being connected to Jesus. But when we are connected, when we are WITH Him… Alive!
My sister, are there some areas that keep producing death over and over again in your life? With Christ, there is life! With Christ, there is hope. With Christ, there is love! With Christ, there is wisdom, righteousness and peace and JOY.
Don’t forget to grab your free scriptures cards that accompany this devotional!
Who’s With Me? Come Alive!
Do you need some of that today? Then step right up and stand with Christ! C’mon over to His Side and His Way of doing things and come ALIVE. Shut down the dead things by repentance and the Word of God and come alive! Receive His Life today!
If you are in Him, if you are WITH Him, then you, my dear girl, are ALIVE and death has no place in your days.
Let’s pray:
Father, thank You for making me alive with Christ. Lord, help me to live every day WITH You, inviting life into every part of my days that I may bear good fruit for you. May I sweep away the dead things, turn away from the sin that produces death and may I embrace being alive with Christ! Help me to stand with You, with Your Word and With Your Purpose that I might be continually alive in You. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Dig Deeper:
In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.
Romans 6:11
Words to pay attention to: count, dead, alive
I’ll see you next week with another Reflections truth!
Did you miss the first devotional in this series??? You can find it HERE.
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