Victorious. It’s what we are in Christ. Through Him, we overcome sin and death, the works of the enemy, and this world. Do we always FEEL victorious? No. But regardless of how we feel, we can be assured that in Christ, victory is our portion.
“But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:57-58
“Nikos” or “Victory” in the above verse means:
a conquest (concretely), that is, (by implication) triumph: – victory.

God wants His Children to be victorious, but sometimes, we need to learn how to walk in victory. Being victorious is not entirely about overcoming individual circumstances. Walking in victory is simply walking by faith. It is by faith that we obtain victory in this life.
1 John 5:2-5 says:
“This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands.In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.”
Through faith in Jesus Christ, through His Word, and by DOING His Word, we overcome and gain victory in every area of our lives. It’s truly is that simple.
I want to encourage you this week to make a list that details what you struggle with. Do you struggle with finances? Write it down.
Frustrated and losing your temper? Write it down. Anything goes with this list.
And be honest- write down the raw truth of your struggles.
Maybe it is an inner dialect that defeats you from moving forward. Maybe you are holding an offense against someone for a suffered wrong. Whatever it is and no matter how many struggles you have, I want you to write them all down.
Got your list? Now let’s get victorious!
Next, over the next week, I want you to search a topical index or concordance for all those subjects in the bible and list the scriptural references that ‘nail’ your struggles, that describe them well. Then, look for scriptures that give the solution for your struggle.
For example, once, I was really hurt by some people I thought I could trust. When that trust was broken, immediately, offense filled my heart. I struggled to forgive them and one day, God laid it on my heart that He wanted me to pray for their blessing. Wow, that really STUNG. Pray for THEM? For their BLESSING???
Oh how I wrestled for many months to even pray for them, but God just wouldn’t let up on me and finally I asked Him to take me to a scripture that would help me. He led me to the book of Jonah, chapters 3 and 4.
The summary of the story is that Jonah was sent to the Ninevites to preach to them of the wrong they had been doing before the Lord and the people of Ninevah believed God’s Word to them and began fasting and repenting, even the Ninevite King responded by immediately repenting and commanding the whole city to also repent from their evil ways and violence and ask God for mercy, which they did.
Jonah however, freaked out and got angry. (Jonah 4:1) He felt like they deserved the destruction that had previously been heading their way and was upset because God accepted their repentance and turned away from his judgement on them.
In a nutshell, God told me to not to be a Jonah.

I repented right then and there of my ungodly attitude. It was a true struggle for me to let go of my hurt and to push through and pray blessing over the ones who had wounded me.
But as I did what the Word of God said in faith, He began to heal my heart and set me free from the bondage that pain had put me in. I also began to truly love the ones I was praying for and to genuinely desire to see God’s goodness in their lives.
Through prayer, I started to see that they didn’t mean to hurt me, that they were immature at the time of the offense and probably didn’t even know the depth of how they had injured me and I started to have compassion for them.
Wow! I cannot tell you the of the freedom that gave me!
But here’s the thing: MY heart would not have changed and been healed if I hadn’t been willing to do what God was asking me to do by faith. The key to victory is obedience by faith.
After you’ve made your list and found your scriptures, choose 1 struggle that you want to focus on with the Lord and study the scriptures you’ve listed. When you’re ready, go to the Lord in prayer and repent, if necessary, for your struggle.
Ask Him to help you with it and pray the scriptures over yourself concerning that thing you struggle with. Thank God that through Christ, you have been given the power to overcome your struggles and that you have victory over that thing in Jesus Name.
Any time you catch yourself struggling, pull those scriptures out and say them over yourself and DO what the word of God says to do instead.

God wants you to be victorious in every area of your life!
Seem too easy??? I promise you that God’s Word has enough power in it to do what He says it will do. All you need to do is apply your faith, and keep at it till you have the victory.
Don’t forget to get your FREE scripture cards to accompany this study!

Pray with me:
Father, thank You for Your Word which causes me to overcome and walk in victory in Christ Jesus. Help me to fill myself with the Word so that I may overcome my earthly struggles and live victoriously for Your Glory. In Jesus name, Amen.
Dive Deeper
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Romans 8:37
Words to pay attention to: conquerors, loved
They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Revelations 12:11
Words to pay attention to: triumphed, word, shrink
In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Ephesians 6:16
Words to pay attention to: take up, shield, faith, extinguish

I’ll see you with another Reflections Truth next week!
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