Delivered is a word that is truly like music to my ears. In my lifetime, I’ve seen a lot of darkness. I was steeped in darkness, I’ve stumbled in darkness and darkness has threatened to steal, kill and destroy more times than I can count– but there has never been so much darkness that Jesus wasn’t able to rescue me, and those I love, from! Through Jesus Christ, and His Power, we are delivered!

“who delivered us out of the power of darkness, and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of his love;” Colossians 1:13
I’ll tell you a truth that I now know in the deep recesses of my own being:
There is only ONE Deliverer. Whether your bondage is an addiction, heartache, persecution, bad habits, abuse, emotional distress, grief, despair, depression, a mid-life crisis, financial struggles, rebellion, anger, hurt, and so forth– if you want deliverance that will last, if you want the struggle to be gone— it’ll be through Jesus Christ alone.
G4506 (Strong) –rhuomai– to rush or draw for oneself, to rescue, to deliver.

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of band-aides.
There have been certain areas of my life where I finally realized that instead of seeking deliverance, I would just accept a spiritual bandage that was only a temporary fix. It’s not truly helpful at all if you’re going to have to deal with the same issues and sin over and over again is it?

Jesus died on the cross for our DELIVERANCE. To RESCUE us! He surely didn’t plan on that deliverance to only be temporary.
He doesn’t stop delivering us after salvation friend. We were instructed by Jesus Himself to seek to be delivered continually:
“And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Luke 11:4
God wants us delivered from all evil.
If it’s your own sin, it’s evil.
When someone else’s sin affecting you, it’s evil.
If it’s persecution, it’s evil- and the offer of deliverance is always on the table for the taking.
God always wants to deliver us from evil. So WHY do so many of us put up with it in our lives???
Sometimes, I think we don’t want to face our own sin.
Other times, I think we don’t want to confront others’ sins.
Sometimes, we just don’t realize our need for deliverance.

Listen- there’s no freedom without being delivered.
And freedom is a mark of a true believer in Christ. Whatever the reason as to why deliverance hasn’t come, commit in your heart to get passed it, and seek deliverance.
I remember a young person telling me once that they didn’t see the need to become a Christian because all the Christians they knew were either sinful, sick, or struggling to survive.
They were right.
It struck me how important it was for a Christian to lay hold of God’s promises in their life, to receive true deliverance, and learn to walk in victory. Unbelievers notice whether or not the power of God is present in our lives!
Don’t forget to grab your FREE scripture cards that accompany this study!

It is ever so important for our personal witness of Christ that we genuinely overcome, by His Power, the bondage of our sins. Otherwise, what real hope could we offer to the world???
God has made it SO easy for us! He didn’t lay the responsibility of actual deliverance upon us- He promises to do that. Our only responsibility is to seek after it and obey whatever He shows us to do, and He even lends HIS POWER to do it.
Because of Jesus, and the work He has done, there is now NOTHING holding us back from real freedom.
All the delivering power has been made available, there is no lack of deliverance in and through Jesus Christ. How wonderful!
Sweet one, I don’t know what you may need delivering from, but you can trust that His Power is more than enough to get the job done. Instead of accepting temporary band-aides, are you willing to dive in with Him for full deliverance?
He cares so very much for your well-being and for your freedom. Can you trust Him today with that thing, that situation, that sin that you fear you’ll never really be rid of?
Pray with me:
Father, Thank you for providing deliverance through Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. I praise You for the true freedom found only in You! Lord, you know my struggle with _______________________. Forgive me for allowing this in my life. I ask you to deliver me that I might walk in total freedom, completely delivered and in full victory over _____________. Because of Jesus, I can declare the power of _____________ is null and void. Jesus’ power is greater and He is my Deliverer and He is faithful to deliver His own. I am His. Lord thank you for delivering me. Teach me to walk in victory, in freedom, and I will purpose in my heart to trust the process. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Dive Deeper
Who delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver: in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us; 2 Cor 1:10
Words to pay attention to: delivered, deliver, trust

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