In our final Reflections Devotional, I want to challenge all of us to become who Christ said we would be and I want to challenge how you think of the word Witness.
“He said to them, It is not for you to know times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority; but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” Acts 1:7-8
Let’s take a look at the word in the Greek:
Strong’s G3144 The word martus means: a witness; an eye- or ear-witness
A more in-depth definition is:
a witness (one who avers, or can aver (“aver” means: one who can state or assert to be the case, one who can assert or affirm with confidence), what he himself has seen or heard or knows by any other means.
Let me ask you: What have you seen? What have you heard?
Even better: What are you SEEING? What are you HEARING?
I have always looked at the above scripture in a kind of… “past-tensed” perspective. It was part of ‘the story’, about all the things Jesus did while on the earth, as part of my salvation experience testimony.
But one day it occurred to me that if a witness is someone who is confidently affirming all they have seen and heard because they have been a first-hand witness, that means they are seeing and hearing something in the PRESENT. OUR present!
If Jesus is alive as we claim He is today, and if He is still moving and working in the world today, then WE should be seeing and hearing something on a regular basis! Do you understand where I am going here?
“God is healing a part of my heart this past year that I didn’t know needed healing.” I am a witness to this work that He is NOW doing.
“The Lord spoke a specific word to me last week.” I am telling you as a witness what He has spoken recently to me.
“While worshipping Him today, I felt the need to pray for someone, only to find out that at that exact moment, the person desperately needed His Help.” This is how God is speaking to me and I am affirming it as truth.
“I saw someone receive healing a couple weeks ago at an alter.” I WITNESSED this work of God happen!
“He revealed amazing things in His Word to me just this morning.” I am testifying of what He is doing TODAY in my life.
My God is alive and doing SO MUCH! I am His present day “witness”! And so are you!
It’s interesting to note that when Jesus spoke these words, He coupled them together with receiving His Power (The Holy Spirit). They would become His Witnesses AFTER receiving power.
The empowerment of the Lord is what gives us the much-needed boldness and wisdom to proclaim what we see and hear. The empowerment of the Holy Spirit is what puts us in the right place at the right time to be a witness!
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HOW??? How do we become His Witnesses?
You begin when you nurture your relationship with Him. Study the Word of God. Allow yourself to be filled. Pray. Be willing to how He wants to move around you and through you. Worship Him. Obey His Leading. Beginning with these things will fine-tune your spirit to respond to Him.
I want to be His witness NOW. Not just then.
Do you see the difference??? I desire to see healings and breakthroughs NOW. My heart longs to hear His Voice NOW. I want to tear down strongholds. NOW. I want to overcome- NOW.
In my lifetime, I want to see and hear all that Jesus wants me to see and hear so that I can be His Witness in my tiny space of History and proclaim His Goodness on the earth to those who need to hear it.
Do you want those things too? Pray with me:
Father, I want to be a witness for Jesus and bring glory to Your Name. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit that I might be empowered to bear witness for You in the world. May my eyes see and my ears hear all that you have ordained for me to give testimony of. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Dive Deeper
We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. 2 Cor 5:20
Words to pay attention to: ambassadors, appeal, implore, reconciled
Keep going! Don’t stop here! Keep discovering who you are, what you have and who you are meant to be in Christ! It’s SO easy to simply read the Word and study its meaning.
I pray the Lord will bless you and raise you to higher understanding in Him, and above all, that you will be able to KNOW who you are in Him. Thank you for the privilege of doing this study with you. I look forward to many more in the future!

Hi Nicci I love your devovtional, thank you!
Thank you so much Kayla, blessings to you! –Nicci