Morning coffee with Rosie.

Rosie is unique among our flock. She’s the clear leader, has no problem flinging attitude when she deems it necessary, puts all the other gals in their place and is, I swear, somehow related to great Houdini escape artist!
She WILL find a way to get into the back yard so she can graze on it’s grassy wonders. We are about to finish the roof of the chicken yard and she has no idea that her perceived freedoms are about to end and I truly feel for our girl. But we are doing it FOR her.
Our area has a gang of about 6-8 hawks who now patrol our town twice, sometime three, times a day. And they’ve flown rather low scoping out our chicken yard the past two weeks. They are quite intimidating and, of course, dangerous to our girls. So, the protections must be put in place. It was always the intention, but last year put a wrench in some of our best laid plans and other things took a priority. I feel bad because I know she will hate it.
She doesn’t know the wonderful things I have in store for her though.
I’m going to grow edible flowers and herbs up and over her house that she will love to nibble on. I will put grazing boxes in her yard and another dust bath for her enjoyment. I even have a couple toys that will be installed.. She doesn’t know that in a little while, we are going to build a small chicken tractor so she and her sisters can come out into the big yard safely and graze till their hearts are content.
As I thought about all of this during our cup of coffee I felt the Holy Spirit gently prick my heart saying, “You know Nicci, you and Rosie are quite a lot alike…” and so my heart lesson began today… I won’t bore you with the details of the lesson but I will say this:
Yahweh’s restrictions are always for our protection and for our ultimate good. If we can believe that, then we can also know that our Father has some good plans that He is working on behind the scenes for our fruitfulness, our safety and our enjoyment. ?❤ We just need to trust and obey Him.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” JEREMIAH 29:11
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