I began reading about the benefits of fermented garlic a while back and figured it was time to try it out! As we head into Fall, I’m prepping certain homemade remedies, like elderberry syrup and more, to boost our immune systems and, hopefully, keep our immune systems healthy and our bodies strong.

Garlic is a staple in our home and we have consumed raw garlic with success for many years. Any time a cold or ear infection starts coming on, we chop up a garlic clove and swallow it with a full glass of water up to 4 times per day. The “anti-everything” of garlic should be shouted from the rooftops in my opinion. Garlic is anti- Cancer, -bacterial, -viral, -fungal, -mucus, etc… Garlic is, rightly, renowned as “Nature’s Antibiotic”. We’ve successfully resolved ear infections, colds, bacterial and dental infections with garlic over the years. And I consider it a top supplement to have on hand for families.
Some precautions about consuming garlic
There are few things you need to be cautious about when using garlic. Raw garlic has blood-thinning properties. This means if you are on blood-thinning medication, consult your doctor before using it as a supplement. The other obvious reason you may not want to consume raw garlic is the smell. Some people have aversions to the smell of garlic and therefore prefer to take the liquid capsules.
You’ll also want to make sure no one in your home has any allergies to honey or garlic before using, is diabetic or taking meds for HIV. And, of course, babies under 1 year of age should not consume this remedy.
Why fermented garlic?
Fermented garlic is more easily digested. The fermentation process increases beneficial bacteria and thus, the nutrients are more bio-availble for the body to absorb. This is also a yummy way to consume garlic! The garlic becomes very sweet and the honey adds even more nutrients. Because honey is a natural preservative, once fermentation is complete, the remedy is said to be shelf-stable for years. Just make sure that you store it in a cool dark place.
How to make fermented garlic
Fermented garlic is really easy to make.
Start with fresh ingredients- peeled, whole cloves of garlic and raw or minimally-processed honey.
Begin by packing the garlic cloves in clean, sterilized mason jars. Then, simply pour the honey over top the garlic, making sure to completely cover the cloves, leaving about a 1/2-inch headspace from the top of the jar.
The most important thing you have to remember with fermenting garlic is that you will need to give the jars a little shake every day and “burp” the jars. As the fermentation process happens, gases will begin to release inside the jar and you have to help them escape to avoid pressure buildup, otherwise you could have a sticky mess on your counter!
You can also purchase fermentation lids to avoid having to burp them every day. Amazon has a great fermentation kit for this!
After 2 weeks, you can begin to use the remedy.
Some people say to wait up to a month. To use, you can consume 1 garlic clove per day as an immune boosting supplement. At the first sign of sniffles or sickness, you can consume up to 4 cloves per day until better. You can also drizzle the infused honey over food dishes, consume it by the spoon or stir it into beverages.
I will update this post next Spring to let you know how well it works for my family, but given the feedback I have gotten from others who regularly do this, I think it will become a must-have for our pantry every year. Let me know in the comments if you’ve ever tried fermented garlic before and whether or not it has worked for you!
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