This reading challenge is the best way to keep your kiddos learning while having fun! Today, I am going to share how we do our reading challenges and a printable so you can do your own! (click on the image below to see the printable pack!)
How We Set Up Reading Challenge in Our Homeschool
Summer is for fun but we never stop learning around here. From nature study to gardening, art projects, and science, we don’t really ever stop homeschooling but we do slow down for a more relaxed approach when we need to. One thing I never want to slow down on though is reading!
I have been working really hard at instilling a love of reading and learning in my children. I know that if I can get them to WANT to learn and make sure they can read well, there is nothing they won’t be able to teach themselves!
The Reader-Pillar
So, I came up with a fun “challenge” that even my little ones love doing based on something similar to what my elementary school did when I was growing up! Every time my kiddos read a book, we record it in little circles and the kids make their own “Reader-pillar” on the wall or their bedroom door. It’s a great visual for them and they get motivated to add to the Reader-pillar’s length by reading more books.

When I was a little girl, I was very proud of my progress as I watched my own Readerpillar grow, it’s a very fond memory for me and I credit that experience with helping to nurture my love of reading.
The Log
I also keep a log for each student, and my older ones usually just use the written log to keep track of their reads.

The Goals and Reward System for the Reading Challenge
First, we set our goals. Then, we set 3 rewards based on how many books they read. For example:
- “For every 10 books I read, I get a Slurpee from 7-11.
- If I read 30 books, I get to go to lunch with Mom at my favorite fast-food restaurant.
- If I read 50 books, I get a $50 shopping trip to the mall with Mom.”
Rewards can be corporate, like a trip somewhere fun for the whole family, or they can be individual to each child. The small rewards keep them motivated, the big rewards stretch them to keep reaching.

In the past, we’ve done trips to the zoo, park, beach, etc… you and your child choose the three rewards. The first one should be small, the second should be medium, and the last one should be a big reward for all their effort.
What about little ones?
For my little ones who don’t read, I read aloud to them. This is THE prime stage to nurture a love of reading in your kiddos and it is also such a fun time. I try to give at least 30 minutes a day to reading with my kids, we work on recognizing letters and sounds, paying attention, etc… when we finish a book together, we fill out the circles and make our reader pillars like everyone else. My littles always get so excited!
Start your own challenge!
I hope this inspires you to read more with your children and to help them continue in their own learning journey! To instantly download the Reader-pillar printable pack, visit The Fruitful Life Etsy Shop by clicking below today!
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