Welcome to week 18, Out of Doors Games Charlotte Mason Home Education Read-Along Series.

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Out of Doors Games Charlotte Mason Home Education Read-along
This week we are reading pages 80-85 of the Home Education volume, Out of Doors Games.
If you want to see the rest of these posts in one place, you may view them HERE. And don’t forget to download your free worksheets with each reading! If you are interested in a Charlotte Mason “curriculum”, our favorite resource is Ambleside Online.
****If you need to purchase the Charlotte Mason Home Education volume, it is available in a newer version HERE. (Affiliate link)****
I am using the Original Homeschooling Series, Volume One, Home Education- the pink books.
The French Lesson
Charlotte states that French lessons should be done daily with no exceptions. She covers how much they should learn and that French should be so natural to a child that it is becomes another way to express themselves.
Noisy Games
CM’s take on children being allowed to play noisy games or simply to make noise out of doors and in the freedom of their natural inclinations is valid. The child who runs and climbs and jumps and plays and shouts and hoots and hollers is exercising their whole being and the result is health and strength.
Rondes are sing-song rhymes sung to a rhythm often with physical movements like skipping and jumping and dancing. Often present in kindergarten programmes, these rondes are beneficial to anyone who does them.
Skipping rope and Shuttlecock
Again, she stresses the importance of children exerting their whole bodies in exercise every day to build strength and health by giving multiple examples of physical games that can be played. She also cautions mothers to not put an unhealthy fear in children over being active. A child must learn courage and consequences from running and jumping.
Finally, Charlotte briefly addresses the need to wear appropriate clothing for these active excursions outside. Children should be dressed in breathable materials, have weather appropriate weight to their clothing and proper shoes with which to engage.
My takeaway from Week 18
While some of CM’s suggestions may not be our cup of tea, I do think that it is important for children to be able to get outside, move and be loud. It also has me thinking about how I can be better prepared for these outings by having the right attire for myself and each of my children.
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