Welcome to the October Saving More by Stocking Up post! Today I am going to share with you the best items to stock up on this month that will help you save money in your overall budget.

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Saving More by Stocking Up
The following items are usually for sale in October or even on clearance for good deals!
Halloween and Autumn Themed Goods and Decor
As stores make room for Christmas stock, you’ll find good deals on decor and anything that is Autumn and Halloween-themed. This includes foods like cookie kits, candy, cereals, and more.
Baking Items
This is the start of the holiday season and so you can expect that baking items will be going on sale. This is a great time to stock up on cookie decor, flavorings, extracts, flour, sugar, leavenings, and more.
Leftover summer and autumn apparel and jeans.
As the cooler weather moves in, lighter apparel gets moved out by markdowns and heavier clothing sales tend to start popping up. Jeans typically go on sale this time of year. This is a great time to think ahead for Christmas and buy items on sale to give as gifts.
Cold and flu meds and sinus medicine usually go on sale as the cooler temps set in.
I try to keep at least one bottle on hand for each person just in case we all come down with something and our natural remedies don’t cut it.
In-season produce.
It’s a good month to find deals on almonds, apples, pears, broccoli, cauliflower, cranberries, melons, peaches, yams, potatoes, parsnips, pumpkins, and lemons. I dehydrate a lot of things in my dehydrator for later use. I also freeze and home-can food when I am able to. This allows me to take advantage of great food deals at rock-bottom prices.
Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors, plus batteries
With Daylight savings time on the horizon, these items generally go on sale as people check them during this time frame in preparation for Winter. It’s a great time to check your home for safety as well as stock up on batteries for emergency kits and for Christmas time.
Camping gear
Now that summer is over, stores will be looking to clear out camping overstock. Take advantage of the deals and buy for next summer!
Columbus Day Sales
Furniture, Appliance, and Department stores will have Columbus Day Sales. If you are in the market for larger items, this is where you will see the deepest discounts.
Lots will be clearing out stock to make way for the new year’s vehicles.
What to buy in October
- Autumn and Halloween-themed decor and goods
- Baking items
- Leftover summer and autumn clothing
- jeans
- cold and flu meds
- in season produce
- smoke and carbon monoxide detectors
- batteries
- camping gear
- Columbus day sales
- cars
These days, everyone needs to be saving more by stocking up!
With rising prices (thank you inflation), these are some of the ways you can trim your grocery and household budget over time. By taking advantage of great monthly and seasonal deals in your area, you will also build a rotating stock of goods that you won’t run out of as quickly, adding to the security of your home and family.
Remember, this isn’t about HOARDING. If you don’t need an item on this list, don’t buy it “just because”. Stocking up in a responsible way for the benefit of your family should be an act of wisdom and never from a place of fear. The goal is to SAVE money and create a USABLE home inventory that will be a blessing for your household.
Did I miss anything?? Tell me your favorite October deals!
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