In Charlotte Mason’s List of Attainments, she expected children to begin learning French by age six. We haven’t invested in a foreign language curriculum yet, but today I am going to share with you how I am introducing French to my kiddos and also sharing my printable French flashcards with you!

Introducing French
I took French in high school and don’t remember much of it at all. I’ve always loved the language, but never took learning it seriously. When I saw that Ms. Mason expected children to learn French starting at age 6, I got excited to pick it up again. I don’t think you HAVE to choose French in a Charlotte Mason education, but choosing a foreign language to learn is always beneficial, so choose at least ONE to learn alongside your children.
In her list of attainments, she wanted children to be able to say 20 objects and 12 sentences in French. For now, we have chosen not to invest in a curriculum, but will most likely do so next year. I found these great videos on Amazon for kids that are pleasant to watch and FREE to Prime members! We watch them about 2-3 times a week and practice repeating the words and phrases. It’s amazing how quickly the kids are catching on! There are several to choose from, but we are only doing the one titled “At Home” right now.
I’m also working on compiling a list of phrases that we will use for copywork in the near future as well. I will update here when those are finished so you can download them too.
The Printable French Flashcards
To start learning the names of objects, I made these flashcards for objects around the home and I laminated them. There are 27 French words for around the home (3 pages!). I will tape them up near their object in the home and every other day or so, I plan to review them with the kids. Whenever we review the words, I use my phone to pull them up on Google Translate for us to listen to the word so we pronounce them properly. Easy peasy!

To get your free printable french flashcards, just fill out the form below for an instant download! Important: Some readers have not been seeing the sign-up form below to claim their flashcards- if you are not seeing the sign-up form, it could be your browser. Mozilla Firefox now blocks this and other types of forms/ads for some reason and I have no idea how to fix it, as I believe this is an issue with their browsing software. If you browse using Chrome, it should be visible. If you still have trouble, please contact me at and I will get them to you. I apologize for this inconvenience to my readers.
UPDATE! Want more?
Lil Miss is now using Duolingo to further her French Speaking skills! It is such a fun program and I highly recommend it if you and your little one are serious about moving forward in learning to speak French.

To reinforce what she learns, I’ve made an extensive flashcard pack (72 words!) that covers most of the basics that she learns in the program. She loves the program and loves practicing what she knows with her mom throughout the week. To use, simply print, laminate, and use over and over! You can purchase the extended pack here by clicking the image below:
Hi Nicki Anna, I’ve just started teaching my kids French and would love a copy of your flash cards to help us! Thank you
Hi Hannah! That’s great! If you subscribe in the box below the post, you’ll get them as an instant download, hope this helps!
I would like to get the pdf to teach my children French!
Hi liz! Just enter your email in the box on the post and you get it for an instant download!
hi author.
Highly appreciated. keep posting such a nice and informative thoughts.
Learn French Online